Firewall Forward - Engine
Notice, that I list this task as 0.0 hours. This is not because I didn't spend any time on research. I just don't list the time spent on this activity, since I am not actually building anything. However, make no mistake, the amount of time that you will spend on research, is tremendous. This is true whether it is figuring out what needs to be done to convert a rotary, or what radio equipment you are going to use. I spend at least an hour a day during lunch cruising the internet for information, and at least an hour every night reading the emails from my RV and engine lists. This takes more of my time, then building.
Anyway, on to the current area of research. I bought Tracy Crook's "Aviators Guide to Mazda Rotary Conversion", and read it. Since this is fairly dated, I went ahead and purchased his "Mazda Papers", also. Both books are very interesting, and help to prepare you for what lays ahead. After reading Tracy's book, you realize that there are a lot of things that you have to do on your own, in order to put together a rotary conversion. However, it is reassuring that others have done this before.
Both of Tracy's books have a lot of information about what you need to do, and some of the things to avoid. I can highly recommend both books as a good place to start. However, a lot is changing in the Rotary world, and if you are considering doing a Rotary conversion, then you need to subscribe to the Fly-Rotary web list.