Finished-up the F-796B-R reinforcement angle and installed the F-796A parts.
 | Finished-up F-796B-R. Now, we gotta drill F-796A to the F-796B/C/D parts. |
 | The instructions make this sound complicated. Basically, you just drill the pieces so they all fit. Here, I have already drilled the upper and lower 3/32" holes, so we can hold F-796B in place. Then you need to drill the hole in F-713 to 3/16", and drill that to F-796B. |
 | Put a bolt through F-796A, F770, and F-796B. Then mark the top hole through F-796A. |
 | Drill that top hole to #30, then open it up to 3/16". Note, the lower cleco is back in to hold F-796B in place. |
 | Put the bolt in to make sure things fit. Now the spacers can be put back in and all of the holes drilled. |
 | I decided to deburr the F-796A Fuel Tank Attach Bracket. I was just going to remove the rough edges, but ended up doing a full polish on the F-796A-L part. |
 | The next day, I deburred the -R part, also. Since that's all I did, I added it on to today's work. These steel parts polish-up real nice, but I have to admit that this is way overkill. |